Table of Contents

    Once the package travel has been booked, price increases are only possible under very strict conditions. Your travel contract must expressly provide for price adjustments and price reductions must also be possible. The price adjustment must be due to changes in costs described in the law, such as:

    • adjustment of fuel prices
    • certain taxes
    • exchange rates

    If the increase exceeds 8% of the total price, you have the right to cancel the trip without termination fees. In such cases, you can also request a compensation. If the 8% threshold is not exceeded, you must accept the price increase.

    The travel contract must also state how this price adaptation is calculated. The tour operator must inform you of this adjustment at least 20 days before the start of the package travel via a durable medium (e.g. letter or e-mail), stating the reasons for the price increase. 

    The price quoted at the time of booking is binding. However, if it is an obvious mistake (e.g. a price of 200 euros instead of 2,000 euros), it can be corrected. You have the right to accept or reject the offer of travel at the adapted price.

    Sample letter: Package travel - price increase by tour operator after the trip has been booked

    Last update
    24 October 2022