In this section, you will find out more about the organisation of the FPS, the Directorate-Generals and its support services.

Learn more about our department by discovering its mission, its vision and its values. Our main activities are also outlined as well as our sustainable development policy.

You can also access the annual activity reports and our purchasing strategy.

Finally, if you want to join our team, you will find all the useful information you need below.

Mission, Vision & Values
Structure of the FPS
Strategic publications


At your service

At your service

We provide "customer-oriented" general interest services. We treat our own colleagues, citizens, enterprises and other parties concerned as we would like them to treat us.



In all our diversity, we respect each other and we respect our environment. We comply with the ethical framework of the federal administration and always act with integrity.

Strong together

Strong together

We work in a positive atmosphere with the different services and departments. Team work and trust are the main pillars that allow common goals to be achieved.



We make it a point of honour to carry out our work in a professional and reliable manner and we are proud of the fact. We aim to be the best in our field.



We work with all our stakeholders to create a better working environment for the present and for future generations.


The FPS Economy is a customer-oriented operation, high quality and a respectful relationship with citizens, businesses, colleagues and stakeholders. FPS Economy, which is a team of more than 1,840 people at your service!

Want to know more about the mission, vision, values and strategy of our FPS


Our ministers

Pierre-Yves Dermagne

Pierre-Yves Dermagne

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy and Employment 

David Clarinval

David Clarinval

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Self-Employed, SMEs and Agriculture, Institutional Reforms and Democratic Renewal

Tinne Van der Straeten

Tinne Van der Straeten

Minister of Energy 

Petra De Sutter

Petra De Sutter

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration, Public Enterprises, Telecommunication and the Postal Services 

Paul Van Tigchelt

Paul Van Tigchelt

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice and the North Sea

Thomas Dermine

Thomas Dermine

State Secretary for Economic Recovery and Strategic Investments, in charge of Science Policy, added to the Minister of the Economy and Employment 

Mathieu Michel

Mathieu Michel

State Secretary for Digitization, in charge of Administrative Simplification, Privacy and the Buildings Administration, added to the Prime Minister

Alexia Bertrand

Alexia Bertrand

State Secretary for the Budget and Consumer Protection, added to the Minister of Justice and the North Sea 

Events Calendar

  1. The Directorate-General for Energy of the Federal Public Service of Economy invites you to the annual conference of the Energy Transition Fund. This event will take place on 1 October 2024. The Energy

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Surf daarom eens rond op de website en ontdek

  • onze missie-visie,
  • onze waarden,
  • onze strategie,
  • onze positionering in België,
  • onze publicaties
  • en nog veel meer interessante informatie.

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