The organiser, reseller or professional offering a combined travel package must be able to guarantee sufficient creditworthiness. They must, therefore, take out insurance to cover the risk of insolvency.
If the trip is compromised due to financial insolvency, the insurance company will intervene and offer you a refund or continuation of the trip. If necessary, you will be repatriated at no additional cost. Pending your repatriation, the insurer is responsible for financing accommodation. The organiser, reseller or professional offering a combined travel package must provide the contact details of the insurance company covering the financial risk.
To check whether a professional has the required insurance against financial insolvency, please visit the website of insurance companies that provide such cover in Belgium:
- Garantiefonds Reizen/Fonds de Garantie Voyages
- MS Amlin Insurance
- Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe (see “Affiliated travel companies – Belgium”)