Alphabetical list

Digital list

January LAPA0108 (PDF, 45.9 KB) LAPN0108 (PDF, 43.65 KB)
February LAPA0208 (PDF, 45.93 KB) LAPN0208 (PDF, 44.33 KB)
March LAPA0308 (PDF, 45.43 KB) LAPN0308 (PDF, 45.01 KB)
April LAPA0408 (PDF, 44.13 KB) LAPN0408 (PDF, 43.1 KB)
May LAPA0508 (PDF, 38.63 KB) LAPN0508 (PDF, 38.16 KB)
June LAPA0608 (PDF, 40.85 KB) LAPN0608 (PDF, 38.99 KB)
July LAPA0708 (PDF, 41.44 KB) LAPN0708 (PDF, 40.73 KB)
August LAPA0808 (PDF, 40.06 KB) LAPN0808 (PDF, 38.69 KB)
September LAPA0908 (PDF, 40.88 KB) LAPN0908 (PDF, 39.9 KB)
October LAPA1008 (PDF, 38.9 KB) LAPN1008 (PDF, 38.33 KB)
November LAPA1108 (PDF, 38.44 KB) LAPN1108 (PDF, 37.8 KB)
December LAPA1208 (PDF, 40.95 KB) LAPN1208 (PDF, 40.08 KB)
Yearly LAPA1308 (PDF, 109.66 KB) LAPN1308 (PDF, 98.78 KB)
* LAP = List Application Patent

Contents of lists

Alphabetical lists

  • Holder(s)
    • two different holders are separated by the punctuation "semicolon";
    • the symbol > in a holder name is not significant in this list;
    • the name is limited to three lines and then truncated.
  • Number of the patent application;
  • Patent publication number (if available);
  • Date of patent application - the date is written in the form YYMMDD;
  • Title of the invention - the title is limited to three lines and then truncated.

Digital tables

  • Number of the patent application;
  • Patent publication number (if available);
  • Holder(s) 
    • two different holders are separated by the punctuation "semicolon";
    • the symbol > in a holder name is not significant in this list;
    • the name is limited to three lines and then truncated.
  • Date of patent application - the date is written in the form YYMMDD;
  • Title of the invention - the title is limited to three lines and then truncated.
Last update
19 August 2021