
Study about counterfeit in Belgium: Evaluation of the scope and measures against this phenomenon

Séverine Waterbley
Publication date

Table of Contents

    A study carried out jointly by the OECD and the EUIPO shows that our country is one of the main destinations for dangerous counterfeit goods and that it is part of a privileged route for the distribution of these goods in the other Member States of the European Union.

    This study commissioned by the FPS Economy analyses the main trends in counterfeiting in Belgium and presents an overview of existing national and European measures to combat counterfeiting. It will make it possible to reassess and further improve the approaches and instruments used in the fight against counterfeiting in view of the growing challenges involved, particularly in terms of coordination between stakeholders. After examining best practice, the study puts forward nine recommendations as possible ways of improving the fight against counterfeiting in Belgium.

    Last update
    21 March 2024