Table of Contents

    Entering into a package travel contract entails contractual rights and obligations.

    By signing and paying the deposit or even the full price of the trip before departure, you are contractually bound: all parties involved must perform the contract to the best of their ability.

    As a traveller of a package travel, you have various legal rights. You can invoke them in the event of any lack of conformity. There may be a lack of conformity:

    • prior to departure (e.g. at the time of booking)
    • during transport (during the flight)
    • at your destination (at the hotel)
    • during the trip itself (planned travel activities)
    • upon return

    Sample letter: complaint regarding package travel - general template (DOCX, 19.4 KB)

    Are you sure you have booked package travel? Visit our page showing a definition of the different types of travel contracts

    Last update
    24 October 2022