An extreme recreational event (ERE) is an activity

  • offered by an organiser to one or more consumers for their entertainment and/or recreation,
  • made available by means of a facility intended for this purpose,
  • whereby the consumer participates in order to experience a sense of danger, risk or challenge.

This involves activities such as bungee jumping, parachute jumping, “death ride”, etc.

When organising such an event, attention must be paid to a range of organisational aspects. This also includes the safety of the event. A well-developed and structured safety plan will help you organise a safe event and meet the regulations.


An extreme recreational event may only take place if it complies with the general safety regulations determined in the Code of Economic Law, Book IX on the safety of products and services.

For extreme recreational events, the requirements of this law are supplemented and further expanded upon in the Royal Decree of 4 March 2002 laying down regulations for the organization of extreme recreational events.

The focus of the regulations for extreme recreational events lies on the facilities being used. Such facilities are often rented out and it is for the organiser to ensure that the supplier also complies with the regulations.

Requirements for the organisation of an extreme recreational event

In order to meet the safety requirements for the organisation of an extreme recreational event, the following steps must be followed:

  1. the organiser sketches out the situation for the event and draws up a list of the necessary products and their characteristics;
  2. the organiser carries out a risk analysis;
  3. if it is in accordance with a standard, the organiser may mention that the ERE is understood to meet the general safety obligation for the relevant hazard aspects;
  4. the organiser draws up preventive measures;
  5. the organiser applies these preventive measures;
  6. the organiser appoints a safety coordinator who will be present during the ERE;
  7. the organiser takes measures (training, inspection, maintenance, etc.) to ensure that participants and third parties are not exposed to unacceptable risks and dangers.

The following information must be clearly indicated and legible to the consumer or participant:

  • safety warnings and inscriptions;
  • the name or company name of the organiser;
  • the address of the organiser;
  • any other relevant information.

Signs with warnings such as “use at your own risk” (or similar) are not allowed.

Official position of the FPS Economy on the use of cranes to elevate people during leisure events (PDF, 41.2KB).

Freefall jumping from a boom lift onto a giant air cushion

This kind of freefall jumping is gaining in popularity, but is a potentially dangerous recreational activity. This extreme form of entertainment is prohibited! Find out more.

Risk analysis

The purpose of a risk analysis is to be able to demonstrate that all dangers have been identified, that the related risks have been assessed and that any unacceptable risks have been made acceptable with the use of preventive measures. 

On the web page “Service risk analysis: what should be included?” the FPS Economy clarifies the details of a risk analysis as well as its content and which elements it should contain.

Obligation to report

Serious incidents and accidents must be reported immediately to the Central Help Desk. Use the accident or serious incident notification form (DOCX, 44.98 KB) (in French).

A serious accident is a fatal accident or an accident that causes or could cause a permanent injury.

A serious incident is an incident that leads or could lead to a serious accident.

Last update
21 March 2023

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