Pressure equipment are pressure vessels, facility piping, safety fittings and pressurised accessories. The term “pressure equipment” can also refer to the elements that are attached to pressurised components, such as flanges, tubes, couplings and crane lugs.
The regulations and obligations listed below apply to pressure equipment and compositions for which the maximum allowable overpressure amounts to more than 0.5 bar.
Pressure equipment are both everyday and highly industrial products. They are divided into different categories, depending on the associated risks and dangers.
The general safety regulations for pressure equipment are prescribed in the Code of Economic Law, Book IX on the safety of products and services.
The requirements of this law are supplemented and further expanded upon in the Royal Decree of 11 July 2016 on placing pressure equipment on the market. This Decree applies to the design, manufacture and conformity assessment for pressure equipment and compositions for which the maximum allowable pressure amounts to more than 0.5 bar. Excluded products are summarised in Article 3 of the Decree.
The Royal Decree of 11 July 2016 on placing pressure equipment on the market transposes Directive 2014/68/EU from the European Parliament and the Council of 15 May 2014 on the harmonisation of Member State legislation concerning placing pressure equipment on the market.
Directive 2014/68/EU is a revised version of Directive 97/23/EU, whose requirements were the topic of the Royal Decree of 13 June 1999 on placing pressure equipment on the market, as amended by the Royal Decrees of 6 December 2005 and 16 February 2015. The new regulations entered into force on 19 July 2016.
The FPS registers the conformity assessment bodies submitting a request and demonstrating that they meet the requirements of the Royal Decree of 11 July 2016 with the European Commission. These include Notified Bodies (“NoBo”), approval services for users (“UI”) and recognised third-party organisations (“RTPO”). The registration details are published on Nando's website, following validation, by the European Commission.
Pressure equipment placed on the market prior to 19 July 2016
The pressure equipment or compositions covered by the aforementioned Royal Decree of 13 June 1999 which comply with this Decree and were placed on the market prior to 19 July 2016, may continue to be commissioned/marketed.
Certificates and decisions issued by assessment bodies based on the aforementioned Royal Decree of 13 June 1999 will remain valid under the Decree of 11 July 2016.
Pressure equipment or compositions in conformity with the applicable Belgian regulations prior to 29 November 1999 and placed on the market up until 29 May 2002 may continue to be marketed.
Inspections of pressure equipment during use
Once commissioned for use, pressure equipment used in the workplace is subject to the regulations coming under the jurisdiction of the FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue.
The periodic technical inspections of steam appliances, for example, will remain subject to the stipulations of the Royal Decree of 18 October 1991 on steam appliances.
Disputes and complaints
Complaints regarding pressure equipment can be addressed to the Helpdesk.