Digital skills encompass a number of abilities, such as:
- searching for information;
- sharing messages online;
- creating digital content;
- preparing coding applications, etc.
A good command of new technologies facilitates communication with those around you and improves your performance in the employment market.
Why is it so important to acquire and master these digital skills?
64 % of internet users in Europe have low or basic levels of digital skills. Europe is therefore experiencing a shortage of workers with sufficient digital skills to occupy the vacant jobs in every sector. According to the European Commission, there is a risk that almost 750,000 skilled jobs in information and communication technologies (ICT) could be unfilled by 2020.
What is the European Commission proposing?
The Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition
To combat the lack of digital skills in Europe and address the shortage of vacant posts in every sector of industry linked to ICT, the European Commission has launched the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition to help Europeans in their professional and day-to-day lives.
The Skills Agenda
The European Commission has also defined a Skills Agenda for Europe. This is divided into ten concrete initiatives taken in cooperation with member states and interested parties. Several actions involve offering more ICT training, encouraging young people and adults to study ICT, and developing programmes more digitally suited to every level of training and education.