Table of Contents

    As a consumer or business, you can easily and quickly identify and compare the best fibre options in your area using tools such as BIPT's fiber  map and pricing tool.

    Fiber Map

    The BIPT (Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications) is drawing up a fiber map that shows the rollout of FTTH (Fiber to the Home). To create that map, the BIPT uses data communicated by the operators deploying such a fiber network. The data contains the zones in which the operators have rolled out FTTH or will roll it out in the near future. In these zones, it is in principle possible (or will be possible in the near future) for an end-user to connect to a fiber network up to his home.

    This map is updated at regular intervals and its main purpose is to show the evolution of FTTH deployment in Belgium. However, the BIPT stresses that other fixed broadband networks, such as cable operators' HFC networks (hybrid fiber-coaxial . This term is used in the telecoms industry for a network that uses both fibre and coaxial cable to provide broadband connections. It is widely used in cable TV networks.. The HFC networks can also meet the European criterion of a VHCN (very high capacity network) or very high-capacity network and high broadband speeds. This map merely reflects the roll-out status of FTTH networks in Belgium. you can check the currently available speeds (across all broadband networks) at your address can on the operators' websites.

    More info on fiber and FTTH can be found at

    Tariff Tool

    The BIPT offers you a tool to find  the most advantageous tariff based on your data. This gives you an overview of different tariffs tailored to your needs in just a few clicks.

    Telecom service providers are legally obliged to enter their existing tariff plans in, under the control of the BIPT.

    You can use the tool to manually enter and compare characteristics of the best tariff plan, either – as an SME/self-employed person.

    Choose the desired service, enter your postcode and your maximum budget and you will get an overview of the most advantageous offers on the market.

    More info on the tariff plan can be found at

    Last update
    29 October 2024