Who are the partners of Belmed?
see the complete list of BelmeD partners
How to become a free of charge Belmed partner?
You are working in the field of amicable commercial dispute resolution between companies and consumers or between companies and would like to become a partner of the Belmed platform? Here are the requirements:
- You deal with business-to-consumer disputes:
- Either be a qualified entity: comply with directive 2013/11/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013;
- Or be registered as a ‘certified mediator’ for civil and commercial matters in compliance with the 2005 mediation act and provide legal aid (PDF, 249.33 KB) when necessary.
- You deal with business-to-business disputes:
- Be registered for civil and commercial matters in compliance with the 2005 mediation act.
- You deal with business-to-consumer as well as business-to-business disputes:
- See the requirements mentioned above under 1 and 2.
- The following conditions also apply to all Belmed partners:
- You have to have a website that provides the following information: the rules of the procedure, the mediation protocol, your enterprise number and a reference to Belmed;
- Your fees (including VAT) have to be clearly mentioned on the Belmed platform and on your website
Example of sheet.; - You have to fill in, sign and send the cooperation protocol (available in Dutch (DOCX, 54.68 KB) or French (DOCX, 53.02 KB)) and the annex (available in Dutch (DOCX, 32.03 KB) or French (DOCX, 31.64 KB)) by e-mail to: belmed@economie.fgov.be
See you soon
Comment devenir une entité qualifiée pour le règlement extrajudiciaire de litiges de consommation ?
How to become a qualified entity for the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes?
The Royal Decree of 16 February 2015 (available in French or Dutch) setting out the conditions that the qualified entity referred to in Book XVI of the Code of Economic Law has to fulfil enters into force on 1 June 2015. It deals with disputes involving a consumer and a trader in which a neutral third party is asked to intervene in order to find an amicable solution.
This Decree lays down the conditions that a third party (regardless of its juridical form) – practicing mediation, conciliation and/or arbitration, or operating as an Ombudsman – has to fulfil to be notified as a ‘qualified entity’ to the European Commission. This notification means that the contact details of the third party will be mentioned on the websites of the FPS Economy and of the European Commission.
Qualification is therefore not mandatory but granted on a voluntary basis, following the examination of a duly argued application file (more information on this procedure is available in French or Dutch).
The mission of Belmed, as a tool developed by the public authority, is to inform consumers as well as professionals on the amicable/out-of-court consumer dispute resolution procedures available in Belgium. Its partners are not necessarily qualified, and the absence of qualification does not call into question the competence of theses third parties