This page features 14 letter templates, ready to be adapted to your problem and to help you solve it. They are sorted according to the issue concerned. They are only intended as a general guideline: even though all guarantee disputes share similarities, they also have specific characteristics; therefore, you should adapt the templates to the content of your complaint.

Having some knowledge of the guarantee act is always useful when trying to solve a dispute. The ‘guarantee rules’ section will provide you with general statements regarding its application. Checking the ‘questions and answers’ beforehand will enable you to use the letter templates with full knowledge of the facts.

Letter templates

  1. Guarantee dispute – general template (DOC, 22.5 KB)

  2. Asking for the repair or replacement of a defective product during the legal guarantee period – general (DOC, 24 KB)

  3. Asking for the repair or replacement of a defective product during the first 6 months after the delivery (DOC, 24.5 KB)

  4. Asking for replacement or refund after repeated repairs (DOC, 24 KB)

  5. Repair or replacement of a defective product during the legal guarantee period – extra charges – requesting a free-of-charge repair or replacement (DOC, 24.5 KB)

  6. Refusing a refund in the form of a voucher (DOC, 24 KB)

  7. Asking for the repair of a badly installed good (DOC, 24 KB) 

  8. Official notification to the seller – last reminder (DOC, 23 KB)

  9. Purchase of a product with contractual guarantees – commercial guarantee from the seller/manufacturer – general (DOC, 23.5 KB)

  10. Reporting a visible defect shortly after purchase (DOC, 23.5 KB)

  11. Invoking the rules regarding hidden defects when the legal guarantee period is over (DOC, 22.5 KB)

  12. Alternative dispute resolution request (mediation) (DOC, 22.5 KB)

  13. Insurance covering legal expenses for contractual disputes (DOC, 22.5 KB)

  14. Unilateral request to the juge de paix for an attempt at conciliation – guarantee dispute (DOC, 23.5 KB)


Last update
5 April 2018