Table of Contents

    What is Collaborative law

    Collaborative law is another form of amicable dispute settlement, just like mediation, conciliation and arbitration. It is in fact a negotiation during which the parties are assisted by their lawyers. The lawyers have a clear mandate that consists in assisting and advising their clients in order to find an agreement or an understanding. Therefore, there is no third party acting as a mediator. 

    The lawyers need to be duly trained in collaborative law. 

    If the process succeeds, the parties sign an understanding that the lawyers can submit to the competent judge for agreement. If the collaborative law process fails, the lawyers involved can no longer assist their clients in a procedure before a judge.

    List of lawyers concerned
    (in French)

    Legislation about Collaborative law

    An 8th part was added to the Judicial Code in 2018 (only available in Dutch and French)

    Last update
    28 May 2021