All intellectual property rights holders have an interest in ensuring that their rights are respected.
However, legal proceedings can be very costly and time-consuming. Choosing to use alternative dispute resolution (ADR) can therefore offer various advantages to the parties, such as the speed and the lower costs of the proceedings, which are less conflict-oriented.
With this in mind, a practical guide for Alternative Dispute Resolution in Intellectual Property matters has been developed by the FPS Economy.
The guide is therefore a tool that will enable users who wish to use ADR to determine whether ADR is possible, what the most appropriate method is, which steps need to be taken, etc.
This guide (FR) provides:
- a very extensive inventory of the different types of ADR applicable in intellectual property disputes
- a presentation of the advantages and disadvantages of each of these ADRs.
- a comparison of the different ADRs,
- a description of the agencies that offer ADR in intellectual property matters with model clauses developed by these agencies.
Presentation of the Guide (webinar)
On 2 June 2022, the FPS Economy held a webinar to present the guide to interested parties. This webinar is available online.
Do you have suggestions on how to improve the guide? Would you like to draw our attention to some aspect covered by the guide? Do not hesitate to contact us.