
Article XI. 27 of the Code of Economic Law states that:

"§ 1. The modalities for the maintenance of the Register are determined by the Minister. The Bulletin mentions the inscriptions included in the Register. The Register is open for public inspection at the Office.

§ 2. The Office publishes in full the patents issued and the patents modified in application of Articles XI.55, XI.56 and XI.57. The bibliographical data for these patents are published in the Bulletin and made available at the Office headquarters and on the Office website.

The King sets the conditions for subscription to the Bulletin."            


The Bulletin of Patents for Invention is published twice a month and only in electronic format. Each edition of the Bulletin of Patents for Invention includes 15 headings. These headings contain bibliographic data on Belgian patent(s) (applications), European patent(s) (applications) designating Belgium and Belgian supplementary protection certificate(s) (applications) for medicines or plant protection products. The Bulletin of Patents for Invention can be consulted free of charge on the website of the Federal Public Service Economy.

The 15 headings of the Bulletin of patents for invention are in the order:

  • Heading NP1
    Contains data on Belgian patent applications that have been published (A1 publication) under the Belgian patent law.
  • Heading NP2
    Contains data on Belgian patents granted (B1 publication) under the Belgian patent law.
  • Heading NP3
    Contains data concerning Belgian patents which have been republished (B3 publication) after partial surrender, partial revocation or partial invalidation under the Belgian patent law.
  • Heading EP1
    Contains data on the Dutch, French or German translations of the claims of published European patent applications (A1 or A2 publications) in English.
  • Heading EP2
    Contains data on European patents granted and published (B1 publication) for Belgium and for which no translation should be filed.
  • Heading EP3
    Contains data on European patents granted for Belgium and published (B1 publication) in English and for which a translation into Dutch, French or German has been filed under the Belgian patent laws.
  • Heading EP4
    Contains data on European patents granted and republished in an amended form (B2 or B3 publications) for Belgium and for which no translation should be filed.
  • Heading EP5
    Contains data on European patents granted for Belgium and republished in an amended form (B2 or B3 publications) in English and for which a translation into Dutch, French or German has been filed under the Belgian patent laws.
  • SPC heading
    Contains data on supplementary protection certificate applications or granted supplementary protection certificates.
  • Heading VB1Contains data on restoration requests under the Belgian patent laws.
  • Heading VB2
    Contains data on restoration requests under the Belgian patent laws and for which a decision has been taken.
  • MED heading
    Contains data on other communications.
  • VRV heading
    Contains data on the lapsing, annulment or rejection of patent(s) and supplementary protection certificate(s) (SPC) applications.
  • VRB heading
    Contains data on the patent and supplementary protection certificate (SPC) application documents republished after correction.
  • CO heading
    Contains data on registered assignments or name changes of applicants and holders.


The user should be aware that the information contained in the Bulletin of Patents for Invention is necessarily concise and therefore insufficient to determine the extent of the rights claimed by the patent owner. This is why it is necessary to also consult the Belgian online patent register where the most recent bibliographic data and publication documents of published and granted patents and SPCs can be found.

The information contained in the Bulletin of Patents for Invention and the Belgian Patent Register should not be considered as a complete and authoritative source of information on intellectual property and it is therefore recommended to the user to seek independent professional advice before taking any action on the basis of the Belgian patent register and the Bulletin of patents for invention.

Last update
3 February 2022