The duration of neighboring rights is 50 years, with the exception of performances fixed on phonograms (music) for which the term of protection is 70 years.
The duration of related rights is calculated from 1st January after the following events:
- the performance for the performer's related right;
- in principle, the publication or the fixation of the phonogram or film for the producer's related right ;
- the first diffusion of the broadcast for the broadcasting organizations' related right.
Performers' rights are transferred to their heirs in the event of death. With producers and broadcasters generally being legal entities, their right is not passed on for reason of death but only in the case of the transfer of assets.
The musicians of the Royal Opera of Wallonia give a performance of the Barber of Seville, written by Rossini, at the Palace of the Prince-Bishops in Liège in August 2008. The performance was recorded and broadcast by RTBF in 2010.
The copyright of Rossini has expired because Rossini died in 1868. The musicians of the Royal Opera of Wallonia maintain their related rights as performers. The RTBF also has a nearby right for its emissions, which started to run since 2010.