Do you know our guidance section?
If you are on this page, it is undoubtedly because you would like to find reference information on copyright on the FPS Economy website.
But if you are immediately concerned about finding practical advice and tools to help you solve a concrete problem related to the new accounting obligations of the Royal Decree of 25 April 2014 (French version – Dutch version), we also invite you to participate in the operation Guidance (French version – Dutch version).
Paintings, photos, drawings, literature, film, music, but as well as websites, furniture designs, textbooks, choreography, and software are all works that can be protected by copyright.
Protection by copyright implies that numerous uses of a work are not allowed without the permission of its author (or their beneficiaries).
The purpose of making the use of the work subject to the willingness of its author is therefore to enable him or her to earn income from the exploitation of their work if they so wish.
In addition, copyrighted works are also economic values that a company can exploit on the market (e.g. records, books, databases, software, etc. ).
Copyright protection
- Which creations are protected by copyright?
- Under which conditions?
- What are the authors’ rights?
- Which remedies are available in the event of an infringement of copyright?
Rights and obligations of users of works
- How do I know if a work is protected by copyright?
- What are my rights and what am I not allowed to do with respect to a work (music, film, website, video, etc.) ?
- Who do I need to tturn to in order to use a protected work?
Control service for collective management organisations of copyright and related rights
- What is the rationale for collective management?
- What are the legal obligations of collective managemet organisations?
- What control are they subject to?
Right to image
- How is a person’s image protected?
- What is the protection duration and what are the conditions for protection?