IPObel seminars

The Belgian Intellectual Property Office (IPObel) regularly holds seminars on the various aspects of intellectual property protection: the doctrine, law and regulations, the administrative procedures and the use of very detailed economic, legal and scientific information in the available industrial property databases.

The Intellectual Property Office works closely with other regional and international intellectual property organisations: the European Patent Office (EPO), the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP), etc.

Training in the field of "intellectual rights"

Various Belgian universities organise specialised training in intellectual rights.

Intellectual property is taught in the law faculties of most Belgian universities. Certain universities even offer specialised training in intellectual property (Postgraduate degree or Complementary Master's in the French Community, or a Specialised Masters (Master after Master) in the Flemish Community).

Classes in intellectual property law are given in the Science, Bioengineering, etc. departments of most Belgian universities.

Independent business schools and innovation and economy management departments also offer training in intellectual property:

  • Ingenieursvereniging ie-net vzw - Desguinlei 214 - 2018 Antwerp - André Clerix (andre.clerix@imec.be), group of experts in intellectual property, Rights deriving from Belgian and European patents, Management of intellectual property, Licences and transfer of technology.
  • Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies - Basic training in European patent law - Local organisation: Coordinator Thierry Debled (thierry.debled@ceipi.edu).
    This training provides future patent agents with a comprehensive and systematic education on the legal bases and practice of European patent law.
    The classes are taught on the premises of FPS Economy (NG III, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 16, 1000 Brussels).
Last update
9 July 2024