World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO):

WIPO are the worldwide forum for services, policy, information and cooperation in the field of intellectual property. It is a financial autonomous agency of the United Nations with 193 Member States.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

European patent office (EPO):

EPO supports innovation, competitiveness and economic growth in Europe. The main activity is the research of patent applications and granting of European patents. The activities also extend to patent information and patent training. 38 Member States are member of this organisation.

European patent office (EPO)

Benelux Intellectual Property Office (BOIP) :

BOIP are a part of the Benelux Organisation for Intellectual Property and is at the same time the registration office for brands and designs in the Benelux.

Benelux Intellectual Property Office (BOIP)

Office for Intellectual Property of the European Union (EUIPO):

The office for the Intellectual Property of the European Union (EUIPO) is an agency of the European Union, which is responsible for the management of the union mark and the registered community model.

European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)

Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) :

The CPVO are a another agency of the European Union, which supports the plant breeding and grants intellectual property rights to new plant varieties in the EU countries.

Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO)

International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) :

THE UPOV are an intergovernmental organisation whose task is to develop and promote an effective plant variety protection system, to encourage the development of new plant varieties for the benefit of society.

International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV)

National services for intellectual property, industrial property and patents:

The following two links provide, through the website of the European Patent Office, useful links for the services of the member states of the EPO, as well as for other foreign offices.

International Helpdesk


Last update
22 February 2024