Given the importance of innovation and intellectual property, there are different bodies that are responsible for the management and subsidising of research and development, as well as the valorisation of its results.  

Belgium also has a favourable tax regime for innovative businesses (see tax incentives for research and development).

Innovation: guidance

PATLIB (PATent LIBraries) centres

PATLIB-centres are a network of intellectual property information centres, created at the initiative of the European Patent Office. There is one or more PATLIB centre in each State that are members of the European Patent Convention. As well as information on intellectual property, many centres also offer other services, such as technological advice, support in the realisation of projects, etc.

In Belgium, you can contact the following centres:


Patent-cells (Dutch - French) are contact points where all businesses in the construction, textile, technology, chemical and life science industries can obtain free, customised advice on intellectual property. They also provide information via their website, information sessions and publications.

Innovation: regional aids and subsidies


The Public Service of Wallonia (PSW), in particular the PSW Economy, Employment and Research, manages financial aid for:

  • Businesses: It helps them with technological innovations by supporting the development of new products, processes and services, the acquisition of new technologies and the strengthening of their scientific and technological potential.

The Department for Research Support manages financial support for SMEs to file or extend a patent (see the portal site Gateway to Research and technologies in Wallonia (in French)).

  • Research operators:Uuniversities, colleges and research centres.

The key is to enable researchers to develop their skills and scientific and technological expertise with the aim of boosting the industrial fabric of Wallonia, to promote exchanges between the scientific world and the industrial world and guide Walloon stakeholders to integrate in European and international research networks.

Wallonie Entreprendre (in French): The different roles of Wallonie Entreprendre are: guidance via the website, awareness, support and funding. They offer a response to the needs of businesses and project leaders in Wallonia at the key points in their existence: creation, innovation, development, international expansion and takeover/transfers.


The Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) is the Flemish Region's one-stop shop for all entrepreneurs or starting entrepreneurs in Flanders. All entrepreneurs can, for example, obtain information on the aid available in the Flemish Region, any formalities and permits required, funding for a new project, etc. The Flemish agency also provides information and support for innovation and how to obtain intellectual property rights. It will provide free, confidential answers to your questions on:

  • funding (through risk capital, for example) and subsidies for your innovation activities
  • Protection of your intellectual property
  • The search for the external expertise you need to make your project a success.

If necessary, the Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship - VLAIO will direct you to other relevant authorities who can meet your needs.

The Brussels-Capital Region

Innoviris is an administrative body whose role is to promote and support technological innovation by financing scientific research projects developed by companies and research institutions within Brussels. is the Brussels Business Support Agency. is the Brussels Agency for Business Support. was launched on 1 January 2018 and is the result of the merger between, Bruxelles Invest & Export and; its role is to contribute to the constant development of the Brussels economy.

Last update
25 June 2024