Erasmus and insurance

Is your child going abroad for a few months? He may be confronted with minor incidents for which it is better to be insured. Check before he leaves whether he is properly covered, so there are no worries once he isthere.

Our advice

Firstly, obtain information from your child's university or school. It is highly likely that they have taken out group accident insurance for their students. Check the exact content of this cover with the university or college in Belgium.

Then, check whether the policies taken out at parental level cover the risk! Get assistance through your broker or agent and, if in doubt, ask the insurer directly for confirmation.

If necessary, there are insurance policies on the market that were specially developed to cover this type of situation. Get informed! Check out the offering on the market yourself, or ask your broker for help.

  • Liability for the student's room and its contents is normally covered by the fire insurance of the parent's home. Nonetheless, check the general terms and conditions of the fire insurance contract, in particular whether the place of stay is covered as well as the contents and for what risk (fire? theft? etc.). Check in particular about cover for valuables.
  • The compulsory civil liability car insurance is valid in all European countries and even in a number of non-European countries. The "green card" contains the exact list of these countries. Check to see whether your child is well covered when driving around. Otherwise, it is possible to apply for an extension of cover or to take out insurance at the border.
  • It can happen to anyone that they cause damage to third parties. The parents' civil liability family insurance covers the student as an insured person. The insurance is likely to help your child defend him or herself and compensate injured third parties. This type of insurance is valid in Europe and often worldwide. Please note! The cover provided by family insurance is limited in terms of the amounts. Moreover, it only covers extra-contractual civil liability. Therefore, check whether your legal protection policy - also called Defence and Legal Action - is likely to provide cover.
  • Hospitalisation insurance is also frequently valid throughout the European Union. In principle, when the RIZIV/INAMI - i.e. your mutual insurance company - covers treatment abroad, the hospitalisation insurance provides cover. Don't forget to ask for your European Health Insurance Card if you are staying in Europe. It is also possible to take out health care cover - for example, in addition to assistance insurance.
  • Travel assistance insurance can be useful in particular in the event of repatriation following an illness or accident abroad. There are insurers on the market who developed specific products for students.

Disputes and Complaints

Insurance Ombudsman

Last update
15 December 2020