Table of Contents

    Damage is sometimes caused in one way or another during business activities. Accidents cannot be ruled out either. Find out below how you can insure yourself in Belgium while practising your profession.

    Liability Insurance for Different Professions

    Legally, liability insurance in Belgium is divided into compulsory and non-compulsory insurance.

    • There is a list of legally compulsory insurance (both liability and other insurance).
    • The content of non-compulsory liability insurance is determined by the insurer.

    There are different types of liability insurance:

    • contractual liability,
    • extra-contractual liability,
    • the liability of a company's directors,
    • operational liability,
    • product liability,
    • post-delivery liability, etc.

    To get the right insurance for a given profession, it is best to contact an insurance intermediary and/or an insurance company. In that case, it is important that you describe the professional activity correctly.

    What Type of Liability Insurance Is Required for What Specific Profession?

    The different types of compulsory insurance are not legally classified into a particular "type" of insurance. The legislator merely defines the content of the guarantee. Below is a list of compulsory liability insurance.

    List of the compulsory insurances on the FSMA website

    Type of Insurance for Different Risks

    Professional Liability for Errors or Negligence Committed in the Course of Professional Activities

    The notion of "professional liability" is not uniformly defined in Belgium, even for compulsory insurance. The content of the terms "error" and "negligence" is determined by liability legislation. It is important that the insurance contract covers liability in all countries in which the activity is carried out and in accordance with the applicable liability law. The content of this insurance is freely determined by the insurer.

    General Liability With Regard to Third Parties for Torts Committed in the Course of Professional Activities

    The notion of "general liability" is not legally defined in Belgium. Since the insurer is free to determine the coverage of an insurance contract, each insurer decides which coverage is included in its contract.

    If an individual wants to insure all the liabilities associated with a particular activity, they will need to approach the insurer directly or through an insurance intermediary. The insurer decides whether to offer the various types of liability coverage in a single insurance contract or in different contracts.

    Accident Insurance for Staff

    Employers are required to take out compulsory insurance against "accidents at work" for their employees. This insurance is part of the social security system.

    Other Possible Types of Insurance

    In addition to liability insurance, you can also take out policies that insure the person's damages during professional activities. For example, health insurance, accident insurance, fire insurance, comprehensive vehicle insurance, etc.

    To get the right insurance, it is best to contact an insurance intermediary and/or an insurer. To ensure you have the right insurance, it is important that you describe the professional activity correctly.

    Legal Exclusions

    A loss caused intentionally is not insured. For insurance for which there is specific legislation, you must check the relevant law to see if other legal exclusions are allowed.

    Additional Information

    Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA)
    Rue du Congrès 12-14
    B-1000 Brussels
    Tel: + 32 2 220 52 11

    Last update
    20 February 2023