Table of Contents

    Cooperatives are recognised by the Minister of Economy, allowing them to join the general assembly of the National Council for Cooperation, Social Entrepreneurship and Agricultural Enterprise. This recognition ensures that these companies operate according to cooperative values and principles.

    Values and Principles of Recognised Cooperatives

    Recognised cooperatives naturally promote socially responsible entrepreneurship, based on solidarity and shared values.

    Setting up a cooperative represents a unique approach to entrepreneurship, guided by the following principles:

    • Open membership;
    • One member, one vote (no controlling members);
    • Non-speculative purpose.

    No Controlling Members

    Not all recognised cooperatives adhere to the absolute principle “one member, one vote”. However, their statutes include rules that limit any single member’s control over general assembly decisions. This enhances the members’ involvement in their company.

    Non-Speculative Purpose

    By investing in an recognised cooperative, each member receives fair annual compensation for their contribution. Moreover, members can enjoy economic or social benefits that satisfy their own professional or private needs, derived from returns on their transactions with the cooperative.

    Members do not join a cooperative for quick financial gains, but to support a project that goes beyond their personal interests. The cooperative model enables members to develop a different relationship with the company, going further than merely investing in it. Typically, members of recognised cooperatives also engage in roles that align with the the cooperative’s social purpose.

    Conditions for Recognition for Cooperatives

    You can submit your application for recognition to the FPS Economy via an online platform by following these steps:

    Step 1: Administrative formalities to access the online platform

    • Access to the online platform is given through CSAM, the gateway for government services. The FPS provides secure access via eID, the itsme app or text message.
    • If you are an organization representative, you will need a CSAM account.
    • Check whether your organization is already registered with CSAM and who manages your organization’s account. If your organization is using CSAM for the first time, a legal representative (registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises) must appoint a main access manager (himself or a colleague).
    • After these formalities are carried out, the access manager may assign the role of ‘FOD ECONOMY FO APPLICANT’ to the organization’s employees, granting them access to the online platform.

    Consult the detailed manual to complete the CSAM access procedure.

    MANUAL (PDF, 524.67 KB)

    Step 2: Use the online platform and check the progress of your file

    As soon as the access formalities are completed, you can use the online platform.


    Should you have any questions about the platform and how to use it, or if you encounter problems while completing the CSAM formalities, please contact us at

    Step 3: If you are not able to use the online platform: download THE FORM (DOCX, 18.22 KB) (application for recognition) for agricultural entreprises. Please send the completed form, along with its annexes, to the FPS Economy, Accounting law department – Audit – Cooperatives. You can send your application electronically to

    The file must be complete and include : form, (coordinated) statutes, deed of incorporation, publication of deeds in the Belgian Official Gazette.

    The department will check whether your cooperative meets the conditions of recognition established by the Law of 20 July 1955 and its implementation decree, i.e. the Royal Decree of 8 January 1962.

    • If your company meets the conditions, you will receive a copy of the Ministerial Decree recognising your company, as soon as it is published in the Belgian Official Gazette, within 2 to 3 months following your application (indicative waiting time).
    • If your company does not meet the conditions of recognition, you will receive a motivated explanation from the FPS Economy, detailing which stipulations in your statutes block the recognition of your company.

    How Long Will it Take to Make a Decision Once the Recognition Application Has Been Filed?

    Recognition applications are examined as soon as possible. However, the nature of the recognition procedure requires the preparation and publication of a ministerial decree, which usually takes two to three months. The recognition is granted on the first day of the month following the date of receipt of the complete application file.

    If the modification of the statutes is required, the recognition will only be granted on the first day of the month following the publication of the updated statutes in the Belgian Official Gazette.

    Validity of Recognition

    Recognition is granted for an indefinite period, provided that groups and cooperatives continue to meet the required conditions.

    The FPS Economy’s officials regularly check whether recognised groups and cooperatives still meet the conditions for recognition.

    To facilitate this, recognised groups and cooperatives must send a special report every year to the FPS Economy.

    In summary, recognition remains valid as long as the group or the cooperative meets the conditions for recognition established by the Law of 20 July 1955 and the Royal Decree of 8 January 1962 mentioned above.

    The  recognition advantages are derived from various fiscal and social legislations determined by several institutions.

    List of Recognised Cooperatives


    Recognised cooperatives and groups representing recognized cooperatives (PDF, 552.13 KB) (list updated on 25 November 2024).

    Last update
    26 November 2024