In Belgium, certain professions are regulated and using certain professional titles is protected: only those who meet the conditions can use them. It concerns:

  • intellectual professions providing services;
  • craft professions.

The Framework-Law of 24 September 2006 on the use of the title of an intellectual profession providing services and on the use of the title of a craft profession makes it possible to regulate professions that are not yet regulated by another law and that fall within the scope of an intellectual profession providing services or a craft profession.

Intellectual professions providing a service

As of today’s date, no intellectual profession providing services is subject to protection for using the title under this law.

Craft professions

Anyone wishing to use a protected title of 'artisan' must meet two conditions:

  • have a diploma and/or prove sufficient professional experience;
  • be on the list kept by the FPS Economy.

A company may use a regulated professional title in its name, object or advertising only when at least one manager or managing director meets the conditions.

As of today’s date, there are still no professional titles of protected craftsmen (artisans).

Last update
22 December 2020