Table of Contents

    The AskREACH system

    The AskREACH system is the result of the European project, LIFE AskREACH, co-funded by the European LIFE programme.  It essentially consists of

    • an AskREACH database, available in all participating countries and designed for companies;
    • a consumer app, Scan4chem, translated into the national languages of the participating countries.

    The AskREACH system contains information, supplied by companies, on the presence of SVHC in their products and is connected to Scan4Chem. By scanning a product’s barcode,the consumer can check whether it contains SVHC. If the product is not encoded, or if the information is not available, the application can then relay consumer requests to companies, who have 45 days to provide the information.

    The AskREACH system consists of 4 interfaces:

    • consumers
    • suppliers
    • administration
    • project portal

    The consumer interface concerns the Scan4Chem application. The supplier interface includes database management and monitoring. In Belgium, the administration interface is governed by several partner organisations. FPS Public Health and FPS Economy handle communication and support for suppliers, while Bond Beter Leefmilieu & Ecoconso communicate with consumers. Consumers can contact them to obtain answers to their questions (contact BBL in Dutch and Ecoconso in French). The portal interface provides access to information via a computer.

    AskREACH’s Supplier Interface

    This free system is accessible via a web browser and enables suppliers of products (manufacturers, importers and retailers) to manage and respond to consumer queries concerning substances of very high concern (SVHC).

    The AskREACH supplier interface is connected to a database in which any product supplier can store information about the SVHC contained in its products. The supplier manages this information via the AskREACH supplier interface.

    Information on SVHC in products that has been added to the database by the supplier is also accessible to any consumer via the Scan4Chem smartphone app.  This allows the consumer to view information on SVHC in products included in the database, or to send a request for information on SVHC in products not yet included in the database. Any supplier can respond to a consumer request via the AskREACH supplier interface.

    AskREACH's supplier interface has four functionalities:

    1. Entering barcodes in the system

      The AskREACH system's barcode registration function enables barcode owners to define and enter their barcodes into the system.

    2. Managing information on SVHC in products

      This function enables the user to enter, store and modify product information in the AskREACH system. Information on SVHC in products entered in the supplier interface is stored in the AskREACH database, which consumers can inquire to obtain SVHC information via the Scan4Chem smartphone app.

    3. Managing and responding to consumer queries about SVHC

      This option acts as a communication platform between suppliers of products and their customers: the user can send a personal message to the requesting consumer. It also allows the user to save the product information in the AskREACH database, without having to answer another query concerning the same item again.

    4. Viewing statistics on SVHC queries

      This option is currently unavailable.

    How to Use the AskREACH System?

    The detailed supplier interface manual takes you through the AskREACH system step-by-step.  Below you find the 3 key steps of the supplier interface, as well as the reference pages in the manual.

    Step 1/ Register your company in the AskREACH system

    • Go to the platform 
    • Select "Register" at the bottom of the screen
    • Enter information, click "Register" and follow the instructions. (p. 11 to 12 of the manual)

    Step 2/ Add company information

    • Add company information on the "Profile" page. Enter a generic email address to receive queries on SVHC in your products (p. 11 to 20).
    • If you are a barcode owner, claim your barcode or global company prefix (GCP) at the bottom of the page. (p. 20 to 23)

    Step 3/ Upload articles

    • Go to the "Barcode Range Declaration" tab to add the information for a range of barcodes of articles with SVHC concentrations > 0.1% (w/w) OR
    • Go to the "Article declaration" tab and click "Add article" to add single articles (p. 24 to 32) OR
    • To bulk upload multiple articles, click "More", then "Import" and upload your pre-filled AskREACH supplier declaration form (.xlsx). Find this Excel file here (p. 32 to 38).

    Also watch the registration procedure to familiarise yourself with the system

    Last update
    21 August 2023