Table of Contents

    Tables of general codes

    Some of the data of registered entities (here further entities) and their establishment units, you need to enter in “BCEwi” (CBE web interface) is in code form.

    Each code has a description. You can find an overview of these codes and their descriptions in the tables of codes. Each description is available in the three national languages.

    Overview of the tables of codes

    The following table provides an overview of the available tables of codes and their contents:

    Table of codes Content
    Identification details (XLSX, 244.03 KB)
    • the municipality in which the address is established (INS municipality codes)
    • the country in which the address is established
    • the language in which the information is requested/given
    • the type of address 
    • the type of external identification
    • the type of name
    • the business registers (format identification numbers - explanation (PDF, 73.34 KB))
    Contact information (XLS, 131.5 KB)
    • Type of contact information
    • Characteristics contact information
    Financial data (XLS, 116.5 KB)
    • the use of the bank account number
    • the currency in which the capital is expressed
    Legal data (XLSX, 178.06 KB)
    • the reason for the cessation 
    • the type of entity
    • the status - Definitions of the statuses (PDF, 438.12 KB)
    • the legal situation - Definitions of the legal situations (PDF, 530.01 KB)
    • the event
    • the legal form
    • the type of "functions" (only used in CBE Select)
    • the legal functions that natural persons and/or entities may perform in an entity
    • the entrepreneurial skills
    • the type of dispensation
    • the working partners
    • the helpers
    • the reason for the end of a function
    • the link between two entities 
    • the reason for the end of a link between entities
    Data for Characteristic/ Authorisation/ type of activity  (XLSX, 119.62 KB)
    • the authorisations 
    • the reason for the end of an authorization/ characteristic
    • the stages of an application of an authorization/characteristic

    • the reason for the end of an application of an authorization/characteristic

    • the characteristic 
    • the stages of a characteristic
    • the activities 
    • the type of activity
    Data for ex officio actions  (XLS, 74.5 KB)
    • the reasons for the ex officio actions
    Technical data (XLSX, 42.44 KB)
    • the reason for technical creation address
    • the reason for technical stop address

    New INS municipality codes following merger of municipalities

    Following the upcoming merger of municipalities in Flanders and Wallonia, several INS municipality codes have been created or discontinued. 28 Flemish municipalities will merge on 1 January 2025 and 2 Walloon municipalities will also merge on 2 December 2024. The INS municipality codes of the newly merged municipalities can be used to register or update addresses with a start date from the merger date. The new INS municipality codes are available in the corresponding table of codes, see Identification details (XLSX, 244.03 KB).

    Modification of the code table related to legal data

    Following the introduction in the CBE of data on working partners and helpers, the code table related to legal data has been adapted.

    Three new tabs have been added:

    • a "TypeOfFunctions" tab listing the 4 types of "functions": legal functions, "professional qualifications" (entrepreneurial skills, itinerant, fairground operator), working partners and/or helpers;
    • a "WorkingPartner" tab with codes for working partners. Only the code 30000 is currently available;
    • a "Helper" tab with codes for helpers. Only the code 40000 is currently available.

    In addition, some tabs have been renamed to avoid confusion:

    • the "Function" tab has been renamed "LegalFunction";
    • the "TypeOf" tab has become "TypeOfEntities".

    Characteristic: “MNE group/Large-scale domestic group – Law of 19.12.2023” 

    A new characteristic “MNE group/Large-scale domestic group – Law of 19.12.2023” can be registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE) with a starting date from 31.12.2023.

    The FPS Finance attributes this new characteristic to multinational enterprise groups and large-scale domestic groups, as defined in article 2, §2 of the law of 19 December 2023 on the introduction of a minimum tax for multinational enterprise groups and large-scale domestic groups.

    It registers the group in the CBE beforehand if that group does not have a company number yet.  

    New characteristics BELparcel application

    Two new characteristics can be registered from today in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE) with a starting date from 1 May 2024: "Postal service provider (BIPT notification)" and "Mandatary BELparcel".

    These characteristics are respectively granted by the Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) and the National Social Security Office (NSSO) within the framework of the new BELparcel application. Through the application, postal service providers can notify themselves if they deliver parcels up to 31.5 kg from or to Belgium.

    The provider of postal services who carries out this notification will obtain the characteristic "Postal service provider (BIPT notification)". In case the foreign postal service provider does not yet have a company number, the National Social Security Office will announce the entity in the CBE.

    By contrast, the characteristic "Mandatary BELparcel" is assigned to mandataries who carry out the notification in the BELparcel application on behalf of foreign companies.

    New authorisation for itinerant activity at the consumer’s home in the Brussels Capital Region

    A new authorisation « Itinerant activity at the consumer's home (Brussels Cap. R.) » with corresponding entrepreneurial skill can be registered in the CBE from 1.04.2024.

    Two new codes have been added in the code tables:

    These new features follow the reform of the regulations on itinerant and fairground activities in the Brussels Capital Region on 01/04/2024.

    Discontinuation of 5 professional competences with corresponding authorisation

    On 31.03.2024, the codes below were discontinued due to the abolition of the requirement to submit proof of professional competence for five regulated professions.

    The following professional competences were discontinued in code table Legal data (XLSX, 178.06 KB):

    • 20010 Wholesale meat trader
    • 20035 Dry cleaning - dyeing services
    • 20303 Pedicure
    • 20304 Masseur/masseuse
    • 20306 Dental technician

    The corresponding  authorisations were discontinued in code table Data for Characteristic/Authorisation/type of activity (XLSX, 118.57 KB) (XLSX, 119.62 KB):

    • 50145 / 50146 Professional competence of butcher - wholesaler
    • 50108 / 50109 Sectoral professional competence of dry cleaner-dyer
    • 50139 / 50140 Professional competence of pedicure
    • 50141 / 50142 Professional competence of masseur
    • 50143 / 50144 Professional competence of dental technician

    Characteristic: “Trust or similar legal structure (UBO)”

    Trusts and similar legal structures managed from Belgium must register with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises prior to the registration of their ultimate beneficial owners in the UBO register. This registration is carried out by the General Administration of Treasury (Federal Public Service Finance). The characteristic 00093 "Trust or similar legal structure" is entered in the entity's data.

    More information on the UBO register.

    Characteristic: "Identified in the context of services by FPS Mobility"

    Since 2 June 2023, the characteristic "Identified in the context of services by FPS Mobility" is registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE). The FPS Mobility and Transport assigns this new characteristic in the context of various services it provides to foreign entities not yet registered in the CBE (invoicing for licenses, setting fines, etc.). The FPS Mobility and Transport also identifies the concerned foreign entity in the CBE.

    Modified descriptions of legal data and data for ex officio actions

    For reasons of uniformity, the descriptions of certain legal situations, reasons for the cessation of an entity or function and reasons for ex officio actions have been modified. The modified descriptions can be accessed through the code tables “Legal data” (XLSX, 178.06 KB) and “Data for ex officio actions” (XLS, 74.5 KB). The meaning of the codes remains unchanged.

    New reasons for ex officio striking off

    On 26.01.2023, two new codes were added to the code table “Data for ex officio actions” (XLS, 74.5 KB). There are two new reasons for ex officio striking off: “Striking off after two letters without effect” (006) and “Striking off based on an authentic source” (007).

    More information

    New reason for the end of a function

    A new stop function reason has been added to the code table  “Legal data” (XLSX, 178.06 KB), on the “Reason for the end of a function” tab : code “998 - Discontinuation of function”.

    This stop function reason can only be entered by the CBE's Management Department, and only in specific cases where no other stop function reason is applicable.

    Authorisation Childcare (Flemish Community)

    As of 18/04/2018, the name of Kind en Gezin has been changed to “Opgroeien Regie”. In order to take this name change into account, the description of the authorisation code 61000 “Child and Family permit” in the KBO was adapted to “Childcare (Flemish Community)”.

    Authorizations ITAA

    On September 30, 2020, the Institute of Accountants and Tax Consultants (IAB-IEC) and the Institute of Accounting Professionals and Tax Experts (BIBF-IPCF) have merged and the new Institute for Tax Advisors and Accountants (ITAA) was created.

    The titles related to the exercise of the profession have been adapted, leading to the creation of following new authorization codes in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises.

    • 12517 Certified tax advisor or certified (tax) accountant
    • 13517 Trainee certified tax advisor or trainee certified (tax) accountant
    • 22517 Accountant or tax accountant
    • 23517 Trainee accountant or trainee tax accountant
    • 14517 Registered on seperate list public register ITAA

    September 30, 2020 has been assigned as the start date for these new codes.

    The four former codes of the IEC and the IPCF are discontinued from September 29, 2020.

    • 10517 Recognised by the Institute of Accountants and Tax Consultants
    • 11517 Trainee of the Institute of Accountants and Tax Consultants
    • 20517 Recognised by the Institute of Accounting Professionals and Tax Experts
    • 21517 Trainee of the Institute of Accounting Professionals and Tax Experts

    The authorizations with the former codes were converted. In concrete terms, the authorizations 10517, 11517, 20517 and 21517 that were active on 30/09/2020 were discontinued on 29/09/2020 and for each of these authorizations, respectively, an authorization 12517, 13517, 22517 and 23517 was created with start date 30/ 09/2020.

    For more information, please visit the ITAA website:…  

    Characteristic: “Identified within the framework of Working in Belgium”

    Since March 16 2021, a new characteristic with code “00072 – Identified within the framework of Working in Belgium - WIB” has been registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises. The National Social Security Office (ONSS-RSZ) assigns this new characteristic to foreign entities that submit an application via the "Working in Belgium" platform and are not yet registered in the CBE.  The ONSS-RSZ will first register the entity in question.

    For more information :…

    Authorizations: social enterprise and agricultural enterprise 

    On 1 May 2019, the qualification “company with a social purpose” and the legal form “agricultural company" were repealed.

    Since 12 November 2019, the ‘Accounting law - Audit – Cooperatives’ department of the Directorate General for Economic Regulation of the FPS Economy registers in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE) an authorization for each cooperative society  recognized as a "social enterprise". 

    Since the same date, this department also registers in the CBE an authorization for each general partnership, limited partnership, private limited company and cooperative society  recognized as an "agricultural enterprise".

    The request for recognition can be sent to the aforementioned department with the help of the form provided to this end.

    See also the page about the "recognition of cooperative societies" (in French)

    Authorisations: professional organisation and federation of professional organisations

    On 1 May 2019, the legal form “professional association” was withdrawn.

    Since 1 August 2019, for each NPO recognised as a professional association or federation of professional associations, an authorisation has been registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises by the “Intellectual Professions and Legislation Service” of the FPS Economy.

    Professional associations or federations of professional associations that were active on 1 May 2019 are presumed to be recognised as professional association (PO) or federation of professional associations (FPO) and will get the authorisation automatically if they have been transformed into a NPO by 31 December 2023 at the latest.

    NPOs existing on 1 May 2019 or established after that date that wish to be recognised as PO or FPO, must submit an application to the Intellectual Professions and Legislation Service.

    More information

    Authorisations: Driver training (Brussels-Capital Region) and Exploitation of a driving school (Brussels-Capital Region)

    Since 1 July 2019, the authorisations necessary for the operation of a driving school (exploitation of a driving school (Brussels-Capital Region)) and the licences for the operation of an establishment unit by an approved driving school (driver training (Brussels-Capital Region)) have been included in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises. These authorisations, referred to in the Royal Decree of 11 May 2004 on the approval conditions for motor vehicle driving schools, are registered by the Brussels Regional Public Service (SPRB-GOB). They may be suspended for a given period of time or permanently withdrawn in the event of non-compliance with the regulations. 

    For more information: 

    Characteristic “Foreign collector healthcare provided certificate (NIHDI)”

    Since 1 January 2019 , the NIHDI is responsible for registering within the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE) a characteristic “Foreign collector healthcare provided certificate (NIHDI)” for all foreign entities, natural and legal persons, which receive the payment of health care on their behalf via receipts-certificates of healthcare.  

    The NIHDI is also responsible for identifying, within the CBE, the above-mentioned foreign entities without establishment in Belgium that don’t have an enterprise number in Belgium. 

    For more information: (available in French and Dutch)

    Characteristic “Identified within the framework of a notarial deed”.

    The Code of Registration, Mortgage and Registry Charges (article 2bis) stipulates that notarial deeds subject to registration must mention, for each part of the notarial deed, an identification number for a natural person, or the enterprise number for a registered entity legal person.

    This implies that a foreign entity without enterprise number, which is mentioned in a notarial deed, is identified in the ECB by the Royal Federation of Belgian Notaries (Fednot).  The characteristic: “Identified within the framework of a notarial deed” is also registered by Fednot for all foreign entities mentioned in a notarial deed. This characteristic is registered by the Royal Federation of Belgian Notaries since 28 June 2018.

    Authorisation “company service provider”

    Since 1 September 2018, all company service providers are required to register within the Directorate-General for SMEs Policy of the FPS Economy to avoid the risk of sanctions.
    (law of 29 march 2018)

    Entities already operating as company service providers must register before 28 February 2019. Conversely, entities starting a new service provider activity must register before the exercise of this new activity.

    The Directorate-General for SMEs Policy keeps an up-to-date list of registered company service providers. As the manager and initiator of this data, it also enters this authorisation into the CBE.

    More info? (in French)

    Characteristic "distributor of medical equipment"

    Any registered entity (natural or legal person), which is a distributor of medical equipment in Belgium, is subject to prior registration with the Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP). This registration requirement applies to both Belgian and foreign entities established in the European Union, even if the equipment is provided free of charge.

    From now on, the characteristic of "distributor of medical equipment" will be registered, within the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE), by the FAMHP, in the data of entities (Belgian or foreign) distributing medical equipment.

    If the foreign registered entity (natural or legal person) does not yet have a company registration number, the FAMHP will identify the entity in the CBE so that it can register as a "distributor of medical equipment".

    Finally, the FAMHP will also take care of updating the above-mentioned data.

    Authorisation "Recognised by the CNHB/NKGB as an acting bailiff" and function "Acting bailiff"

    Since 1 May 2018, it has been possible to register a authorisation entitled "Recognised by the CNHB/NKGB as an acting bailiff" and function "Acting bailiff".

    When a bailiff dies, resigns without notice, is dismissed or suspended, an acting bailiff is appointed. As such, the National Chamber of Bailiffs of Belgium (CNHB/NKGB) will take charge of registering, with the CBE, on the one hand, the authorisation "Recognised by the CNHB/NKGB as acting bailiff" and, on the other hand, the function "Acting bailiff". This registration is made in the data of the entity where the acting bailiff has been appointed. The CNHB will also stop the authorisation, in the same entity, of "Recognised by the National Chamber of Bailiffs". 

    Merging of the tables of codes "reason for automatic removal" and "reason for removal of address"

    Since 27 April 2018, the tables of codes "reason for automatic removal" and "reason for removal of address", which was found in the tables of codes "Removal data", have been merged. You can now consult the available codes, relating to the reasons for ex officio actions, under the code table "Data for ex officio actions".

    Authorisation "Approved drilling company" (Flemish Region)

    A authorisation "Approved drilling company” (Flemish Region) has been added to the CBE since 17 January 2018.

    This recognition as a drilling company has been granted by the Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij since 1 January 2017. It is mandatory if the entity carries out certain activities, such as groundwater extraction, drainage and dewatering, stability and geotechnical drilling. Both Belgian and foreign drilling companies can have this recognition. More detailed information is available on the website of the Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM).

    The authorisation is registered by the management department of the CBE (initiator) on the basis of the information transmitted by the VMM (data manager). 

    You can also consult the tables of NACEBEL codes.

    Characteristic "Contracting Authority"

    A characteristic of "Contracting Authority" has been available since 22 March 2017. This characteristic is included in the data of administrations or bodies that have a company registration number and are subject to public procurement regulations (for example: federal public services, public social welfare centres, regional bodies, etc.).

    You can find it in the Excel file "Quality-permit-type activity codes" under the tab "Quality".

    The table of NACEBEL codes

    NACEBEL codes 2003 (XLS, 1.39 MB)

    NACEBEL codes 2008 (XLSX, 3.17 MB)

    NACEBEL conversion 2003-2008 (XLS, 1.43 MB)

    Conversion new codes 2003-2008 (XLS, 46 KB)

    Last update
    21 June 2024