Web services allows for data exchange between applications. Applications can use web services to request, create and change data in the CBE database. In order to use the CBE web services your department must have the necessary IT knowledge to integrate the web services into an application of your own.

Example: a public service wants to send an inspector to a registered entity (here further entity). The public service has a database of the entities to be inspected. Each day, a computer application creates for each inspector a list of entities to be inspected. To avoid sending the inspector to the wrong address, it is important to know the most recent address. CBE web services allows the system of the public service to retrieve the address directly from the CBE.

Which types of websites are there?

  • WSConsultAgentEnterprise: to request the names of individuals who can legally bind an entity;
  • WSConsultCBE: to request data about entities and establishment units from the CBE;
  • WSConsultTAP: to retrieve data about authorisation requests;
  • WSErvo;
  • WSReportCBE: to request CBE excerpts for entities and establishment units;
  • WSReportTAP: to request extracts containing all pending and/or completed authorisation requests;
  • WSStatusCBE: to check whether the CBE services are available;
  • WSUpdateCBE: to create, change, discontinue, correct or cancel data in the CBE database;
  • WSUpdateTAP: to create, change, discontinue, correct or cancel authorisation requests.

What data will you find here?

In CBE web services you find data on entities and their establishment units.

How do you apply for access?

To obtain access to CBE web services you need to submit a formal application. Please fill out and sign the  ‘CBE Data Access Application Form‘ and send it to the CBE Management Service.

Need more information?

For more information you can request the technical information cook books from the CBE Help Desk.

Last update
4 February 2025