Table of Contents
Any natural or legal person registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises who, for their own account or for the account of third parties,
- produces,
- purchases,
- imports,
- exports,
- refines,
- stores,
- processes,
- consumes,
- distributes,
- offers for sale,
- sells,
- supplies, or
- transports
petroleum and petroleum products, must register with the Directorate-General for Energy of the Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy (PDF, 448.9 KB)
The Petroleum Products Analysis Fund (Fapetro) supervises the quality of petroleum products marketed in Belgium, systematically monitors and manages the processing of applications for approval of non-standard biofuels.
Fapetro is governed by the Royal Decree of 18 November 2018 establishing the operational, financial and organisational procedures for the Petroleum Products Analysis Fund.
The Fund is managed by a Management Committee that meets at least twice a year.
Reports of Management Committee meetings:
- 2024/N°6 - 16 octobre 2024 (PDF, 124.21 KB)
- 2024/N°5 - 23 avril 2024 (PDF, 181.36 KB)
- 2023/N°4 - 15 septembre 2023 (PDF, 198.21 KB)
- 2023/N°3 - 17 mars 2023 (PDF, 181.69 KB)
- 2022/N°2 - 16 septembre 2022 (PDF, 172.46 KB)
- 2022/N°1 - 22 avril 2022 (PDF, 196.22 KB)
Since 12 March 2013, Fapetro has been accredited according to the requirements of NBN EN ISO 17020 as an inspection and control body according to accreditation certificate No. 490-INSP.
What does Fapetro do?
Fapetro's mission is to ensure the quality of petroleum products marketed in Belgium:
- gas oil/diesel for road applications,
- 95 RON E10 and 98 RON E5 petrol,
- marine fuels,
- gas oil for heating (50 ppm),
- diesel for non-road applications,
- type B and C lamp oil,
Fapetro also provides systematic monitoring.
The Petroleum Products Quality Department of the Directorate-General for Energy carries out the mission assigned to Fapetro.
Staff of that department traverse all of Belgium to take samples of petroleum products. The samples are analysed by one or more laboratories to determine whether or not they meet applicable standards.
In order to cover the entire distribution chain, the department takes samples:
- in public petrol stations,
- at private homes,
- on company premises,
- at primary and secondary depots.
In addition to monitoring the quality of petroleum products, Fapetro also carries out expert assessments in the context of the Act of 17 July 2013 on the inclusion of biofuels in fossil fuels. In particular, these expert assessments relate to the processing of applications for approval of non-standard biofuels.
Funding of Fapetro
In order to be able to fulfil its missions, Fapetro is funded:
- with contributions collected quarterly from petroleum operators that market fuels and motor fuels in Belgium. The list of operators concerned is provided to Fapetro by the Customs and Excise Department of the FPS Finance.
- with costs charged to those responsible at points of sale for fuels and motor fuels if fuel samples are found not to conform to the applicable technical specifications.
Procedure in case of non-conformity
In case of non-conformity, information on the inspection is communicated to the Directorate-General for Economic Inspection, which takes the necessary measures in case of suspected fraud. This may even lead to temporary or permanent closure of the point of sale.
Appeals procedure
The person in charge of the point of sale where Fapetro establishes non-conformity of fuel samples may appeal the decision made as a result of an initial determination.
The person in charge of the point of sale should send that appeal to the following address:
FPS EconomyDirectorate-General for Energy
Department of Petroleum and Fapetro
Office 4A57
Boulevard Roi Albert II, 16
1000 Brussels
Fapetro will submit the appeal to an Appeals Committee, whose members are appointed by the Director General of the Directorate-General for Energy of the FPS Economy and are separate from the Petroleum Products Analysis Fund (Fapetro). Those members are appointed for a three-year term that is tacitly renewable.
As soon as the appeal is received:
- the Committee meets,
- decides on the admissibility of the appeal, and
- notifies the legal officer within the month following the date of receipt of the appeal.
Within the same time frame, the Commission may request additional information from the legal officer.
As soon as the Committee has all the elements to decide on the appeal, it will inform the point-of-sale manager,
- either within one month of receiving the appeal if the file is complete,
- or within one month from the date of receipt of the additional information.
Within two months of notification of the admissibility of the appeal, the Appeals Committee must communicate its decision to the point-of-sale manager.
Any correspondence will take place through the Fapetro secretariat and must be done by registered mail.