Table of Contents

    Electricity generation facilities

    Permit requirement

    Electricity generation facilities with a net developable capacity greater than 25 MW require prior authorisation.

    The procedure and criteria for granting permits have been laid down in the Royal Decree of 11 October 2000 on the granting of individual permits for the construction of electricity generation plants.

    Submitting a permit application can be done using the following templates:

    Obligation to report

    Article 2, §1 of the RD of 11 October 2000 provides an exemption from the permit requirement.

    Electricity generation facilities with a net developable capacity equal to or smaller than 25 MW are subject to an obligation to report.

    The report stating the net developable capacity and the location of the facilities must be made using the reporting form (DOCX, 46.38 KB).

    A copy of the reporting form should also be sent to the Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation (CREG).

    Permit applications and reports must be submitted to:

    • by post:
      Directorate-General for Energy
      Molecules, Offshore & Permits Department
      North Gate
      Boulevard Roi Albert II, 16
      1000 Brussels
    • by email:


    Energy storage facilities

    According to the Act of 14 February 2022, not only electricity generation facilities but also energy storage facilities are subject to the prior granting of an individual permit as referred to in Article 4 of the Act of 29 April 1999 on the organisation of the electricity market (Electricity Act).

    Permit requirement

    Electricity storage facilities with a net developable capacity greater than 25 MW require prior authorisation.

    The procedure and criteria for granting storage permits have been laid down in the Royal Decree of 27 March 2023 on the granting of individual permits for the construction and operation of energy storage facilities.

    Submitting a permit application can be done using the following template:

    Storage permit template Dutch version) (DOCX, 52.04 KB)

    Obligation to report

    Article 3 of the RD of 27 March 2023 on the granting of individual permits for the construction and operation of large energy storage facilities defines the scope and the exemption from the permit requirement:

    Electricity storage facilities with a net developable capacity equal to or smaller than 25 MW are subject to prior notification.

    This notification must be done using the reporting form, in which the net developable capacity and the location of the facilities must be stated: reporting form (Dutch version) (DOCX, 46.38 KB).

    A copy of the reporting form should also be sent to the Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation (CREG).

    Permit applications and reports must be submitted to:

    • by post:
      Directorate-General for Energy
      Molecules, Offshore & Permits Department
      North Gate
      Boulevard Roi Albert II, 16
      1000 Brussels
    • by email:
    Last update
    10 October 2024