If a linked travel arrangement is cancelled, you do not have the same rights as those that apply to package travel. Civil law, and in particular contract law, applies in these cases.
Are you sure that you booked a linked travel arrangement? Visit our page showing a definition of the different types of travel contracts.
Passenger Rights in the EU
Does your linked travel arrangement include passenger transport and have you experienced a delay or cancellation of your plane, train, boat or bus? In such cases, you still have certain rights as a passenger when travelling within, from or to the European Union. You can find more information on this subject on the website of the FPS Mobility and Transport:
- Air passenger rights (French only)
- Rail passenger rights (French only)
- Bus and coach passenger rights (French only)
- Maritime passenger rights (French only)
The FPS Mobility and Transport ensures that passenger rights are respected when travelling internationally from and to Belgium. If their rights have been infringed, passengers can lodge a complaint with the body responsible at the Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport, provided that they have lodged a complaint with the carrier in the first instance.
You must therefore always start by lodging a complaint with your carrier. Do this as soon as possible. Use the claims form of the carrier if available. Air passengers can also use the EU complaint form.