Search results

  1. 6-001 List of the documents of the management system of BELAC 6-003 Table of correspondence between the EN ISO/IEC 17011, EA and EC Regulation 765/2008 requirements and the quality manual and main
  2. 6-101 Checklist for assessment of compliance with the requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 (Only available in Dutch and in French) 6-102 Checklist: transition to EN ISO 15189:2022 6-103 Checklist for
  3. 6-429 Module A: summary of the assessment report 6-430 Module B: history of the file 6-431-15189 Module C: report of the lead assessor EN ISO 15189:2012 6-431-15189-2022 Module C: report of the lead
  4. 2-403 Guidelines for the implementation of accreditation criteria in the framework of the self-checking guides for the food industry and its suppliers, including the use of a flexible scope 2-404 General
  5. 0-03 Code of economic law: Extracts that provide the legal basis for the operation of accreditation in Belgium 0-04 Appointment the civil servants in charge of tracing and reporting on breaches of the
  6. 2-101 Schedule of accreditation of a testing laboratory: guidelines for formulation and evaluation 2-104 Requirements for accredited laboratories applying for a flexible scope for analyses of pesticide