Table of Contents

    Infringements of competition law refer to anti-competitive behaviour by undertakings on a market with a view to distorting the free play of competition.

    In Belgium, there are three types of infringement of competition law:

    • cartels and agreements
    • abuse of a dominant position 
    • abuse of economic dependence

    The FPS Economy's mission is to create the conditions for the sustainable and balanced operation of the goods and services market in Belgium and to be responsible for competition policy. 

    The FPS Economy's Competition Service supports the duties of the Minister for Economic Affairs and carries out tasks relating to competition law and policy, including the pursuit of a sound and effective Belgian competition policy for the benefit of businesses and consumers, and draws up Belgian competition legislation. 

    The Belgian Competition Authority is the competent authority to rule on the existence of infringements of competition law, to condemn and sanction them. This authority is independent.

    Competition and the Belgian Presidency 

    European Competition Day will take place during the Belgian Presidency. Belgium will take this opportunity to highlight its competition policy in light of the major challenges currently facing Europe.

    Competition policy objectives

    Competition policy promotes healthy, open and effective competition. It stimulates the competitiveness of businesses, offers consumers a range of diversified, high-quality products at competitive prices and encourages innovation.

    To that end, the Member States, including Belgium, and the European Union combat practices that restrict competition (cartels between companies, abuse of a dominant position and abuse of economic dependence) and control mergers between companies of a certain size.

    The mission of the Competition Service of the FPS Economy is to contribute to the development of a competition policy for the benefit of the Belgian economic market and its players.

    Institutions responsible for competition

    The Competition Department of the Directorate-General for Economic Regulation of the FPS Economy

    The FPS Economy's mission is to create the conditions for the sustainable and balanced operation of the goods and services market in Belgium and to be responsible for consumer competition policy. 

    The task of the Directorate-General for Economic Regulation is to create and maintain a legal and regulatory framework that promotes the smooth operation of the goods and services market.

    The Competition Service, as a support service to the Minister for Economic Affairs, is responsible for competition law and policy, in particular:

    • working for a sound, open and effective Belgian competition policy, to the benefit of businesses and consumers 
    • drafting Belgian competition legislation and participating in the European legislative process to ensure that Belgian interests are taken into account
    • to represent Belgium in European and international organisations active in the field of competition (European Commission, Council of the European Union, CJEU, OECD, UNCTAD, etc.)
    • to exercise certain powers assigned to the Minister by Books IV and V of the Code of Economic Law 
    • to promote competition rules and policy, through opinions and advocacy (making information available to businesses, federations, public bodies and consumers). 

    The Belgian Competition Authority 

    The Belgian Competition Authority is the administrative authority responsible for applying competition rules by investigating and sentencing infringements of competition law and controlling mergers in Belgium. 

    Other institutions

    The Competition Commission (Central Economic Council) acts as an advisory body. It issues opinions on general competition policy issues.

    At European Union level, the European Commission's Directorate-General for Competition (DG COMP) is responsible for EU competition policy and the application of European competition rules, in cooperation with the competent national authorities.

    European Competition Day 2024

    In April 2024, the FPS Economy, in collaboration with the Belgian Competition Authority, will organise the European Competition Day.

    Last update
    15 February 2024