Our ministers

Pierre-Yves Dermagne

Pierre-Yves Dermagne

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy and Employment 

David Clarinval

David Clarinval

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Self-Employed, SMEs and Agriculture, Institutional Reforms and Democratic Renewal

Tinne Van der Straeten

Tinne Van der Straeten

Minister of Energy 

Petra De Sutter

Petra De Sutter

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration, Public Enterprises, Telecommunication and the Postal Services 

Paul Van Tigchelt

Paul Van Tigchelt

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice and the North Sea

Thomas Dermine

Thomas Dermine

State Secretary for Economic Recovery and Strategic Investments, in charge of Science Policy, added to the Minister of the Economy and Employment 

Mathieu Michel

Mathieu Michel

State Secretary for Digitization, in charge of Administrative Simplification, Privacy and the Buildings Administration, added to the Prime Minister

Alexia Bertrand

Alexia Bertrand

State Secretary for the Budget and Consumer Protection, added to the Minister of Justice and the North Sea 

Last update
9 December 2024