Through centralised purchasing

At the beginning of every budget year, all FPS departments draw up a list of all their needs. These lists are centralised by the Purchasing Department, which is able to identify all the needs at the same time, and better control and manage expenses and therefore the budget. Furthermore, these lists make it possible to organise the order so as to meet the need as it arises.

By aligning purchases with the needs

The buyer focuses on the main functions of the object he intends to buy, in order to meet the needs effectively and not to overload the expense with unnecessary options or accessories.

By considering the "Total Cost of Ownership" when making a choice

When making a choice, the Purchasing Department takes into account, in addition to the cost of acquisition, all the direct and indirect costs, all the advantages and disadvantages related to the product throughout its life cycle. For example, when purchasing a printer, the price of cartridges, repairs, paper if it is specific to its requirements, etc. are taken into account.

Integration of sustainable development themes        

The Purchasing Department has made a habit of favouring and encouraging “green” choices. For example, it systematically recommends choosing “green” products in its suppliers' catalogues.

When drawing up the specifications, the selection criteria, award criteria and/or technical specifications are taken into account with a view to sustainability.

Last update
15 March 2022